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Foundation’s History

Harnam Singh Harbans Kaur (Sachdev) Foundation’s History

Harnam Singh Harbans Kaur (Sachdev) Foundation, also known as the 'Sachdev Foundation’was founded by Mr. Gurmokh Singh Sachdev and Mrs. Minder Kaur Sachdev on August 30th, 1982 in memory of late Mr. Harnam Singh And Mrs. Harbans Kaur Sachdev, parents of Mr. Gurmokh Singh Sachdev. The foundation’s objectives include but are not limited to helping the needy and deprived communities, orvictims of natural disasters, providing support and co-ordination in the medical and education field. The Foundation was granted its license no. khor 182/2526 on April 5th, 1983, and the Co-Founders, Mr. Gurmokh Singh Sachdev and Mrs. Minder Kaur Sachdev took on the position of President and Vice President respectively.  Its main office is located at 33/1 Minder Pathana Suska School, 4th Floor, Pathanakarn Road, Prawet Sub-District, Prawet District, Bangkok. The foundation was declared as a public charitable organization no. 590 by the Ministry of Finance with Income tax and VAT exemption  (document no. 295) dated July 14th, 2005.

On October 3, 2002 His Majestythe King Bhumibol Adulyadej graciously granted a private audience to the foundation’s board members at Klai Klang Won Palace, Hua Hin District, Prachuabkhirikhan Province. On that Occasion, His Majesty  honored the members of the board with His Majesty's words, that since they have generosity and like to do charity, they might support HRH Princess Maha Chakri Sirindhorn, who has many projects in the field of development and education for children and youth in remote areas, for which a lot more support is still needed. Therefore, from the year 2002, the Sachdev Foundation dedicated its work to projects under the Royal patronage of HRH’s in construction of school buildings in many remote and isolated areas including Mathayom Chalemphrakiat School, Chalermphrakiat District, Nan Province; Than Phuying Jantima Pheungbarami School, Phuphan District, Sakolnakorn Province; Wat-Bor-Luang-Vithayatham School, Borklua District, Nan Province; Ban-Siriraj-Rang-Sarid School, Srisakorn District, Narathiwat Province.  In addition, the foundation was also entrusted by the Bureau of Royal Household to co-ordinate and oversee the re-constructionof many school buildings that were affected by the Tsunami which occurred on December, 26th, 2004.

Being honored with the opportunity of service in support of HRH Princess Mahachakri Sirindhorn's educational projects gave a sense of achievement and satisfaction to the Foundation, whose Founders had long since wished to promote the cause of education through the establishment of a school.  Involvement in those projects provided the inspiration and motivation to realize the Founders' dream by establishing a School on Foundation land purchased thirty years earlier with an underlying wish to build the same. Construction started in 2011 and an English Program School was established in 2013. With the movement towards integration of ASEAN as one community by 2015, it was fitting that an English Program School be set-up under the General Education Curriculum of the Office of Private Education Commission, Ministry of Education, Thailand,  to prepare the Thai students for an international environment and standard.  Minder Pathana Suksa School has been named after Mrs. Minder Kaur Sachdev, whose place in the hearts of her family is that of an exemplary and loving wife, mother, and indeed a person who has always been involved in social service to those less fortunate, and for whom educating the youth with strong moral and cultural values, as well as good life skills as been as important as developing smart individuals capable of prospering in the global environment.

    Minder Pathana Suksa School
33/1 Pattanakarn Road
(Between Soi 53/1 and 55),
Bangkok, 10250. Thailand
    Phone: 02-321-7040
Fax: 02-321-7039
Email: [email protected]
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